Rarity Information
Dynamic Collection Rarity
Alien Ordinals is a living collection. Each power block is a surprise and a gift from the heavens.
Each randomly appearing Power Block alters the rarity of the entire collection and is impossible to predict in advance.
It is only possible to discuss exact rarity looking into the past, but impossible to predict the exact future.
Unbounded Opportunity
Alien Ordinals opens the future to everyone with many traits available forever. Artwork is generated in response to the Power Block Hash which is impossible to predict in advance.
This collection is not "pre-minted" and then sold. Every participant is able to mint a free Alien Ordinal directly to their wallet.
Common static NFT collections have forced or predetermined rarities. Metadata is generated and kept off-chain. This gives new members no chance to mint a rare item.
Many Bitcoin Ordinals collections are also pre-minted with pre-generated art. Collectors are forced to a secondary market to "buy in".
Alien Ordinals is different. At any moment, a rare Power Block can be mined on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Minting is free for anyone tuned into the right Alien wavelengths.
Genesis Flare - "Let there be light"
Aliens rejoiced when they found a civilization adopting blockchain technology. A limited supply of Bitcoin, fairly mined through Proof-of-Work indicates a planet worthy of long-term research.
A shining light indicating where Aliens should gather is forever captured on the blockchain as the Genesis Flare.
Look for the Genesis Flare in early Power Blocks.
Genesis Flare
The Heavens
The Sun and the Moon share the heavens. Both play an important role in the world and life can not be with one and without the other.
Why does the Sun move the way it does? How about the Moon?
The Bitcoin Sun
Bitcoin Suns only appear when the Sun is out for Power Blocks ending in 0 (10% of power blocks).
The Sun appears half the time, and the Moon appears the other half (half of power blocks).
Collectors can expect the Bitcoin Sun to appear for around 5% of Power Blocks. (half of 10%)
The current actual percentage is 5.8%
Research Specimens
Aliens take great interest in Research Specimens. The availability of some materials are not forever.
Bitcoin historians will find some specimens speak to them more than others while Bitcoin Ordinal collectors will find other specimens to be of greater interest.
Some specimens will be sought by traders. Others will find their hopes and dreams expressed or realized.
Collect the materials that mean the most to you and share Alien Ordinals that mean a lot to others.
Earthlings and Aliens alike have a great appreciation for art. Composition may have more of an impact on collectability than the mere items visible to the eye.
What is it that you seek? Is it balance? Is it clarity?
Last updated